The Nile at Sunset.

The old home of one of the grannies getting a house built by Every Child Ministries.

Staying at Ekisa this week has lots of perks, Zuena's cute face is just one!

Happy Jojo!
Life in a third world country is becoming more normal everyday. But every once in a while, more like once a day if I'm honest, I find myself having to remind myself that everything is okay. Life will go on. Thursday I had one of these moments and I think it has by far been one of my best. I went and picked up the curtains from the seamstress that is making them for my apartment. Because of course I can't run to the store and buy them off the shelf and of course we don't have standard window sizes here! When I got back to my apartment Candice and I hung them up. It took mere seconds for me to say too loudly "Look at the seams. They are SO crooked!" Candice having lived here for 4 years just laughed at me being offended that the seamstress would dare sew my seams on my curtains crooked. Candice just called Bobby into the room to see how good the curtains looked! Only moments later I walked into my new bathroom to see that not one, but two tiles in my new shower were broken during the installation process and the guys laying the tile still laid them broken. At that moment I decided that someone should write a book titled "How To Deal With Crooked Curtains And Broken Tiles: Living In A Third World Country" for all the picky people like me. Who knows, maybe I can pen this thrilling how-to book one day! Haha!
Besides the crooked seams and broken tiles, I am beginning to live life here. I got a wonderful compliment the other day from another missionary. He said he had a hard time believing that I had only been here for two and a half months. I tell you that, because so much of that compliment is thanks to you. Your support financially and prayerfully. I don't have to worry about wether or not I have sweet brothers and sisters in Christ interceding for me on a daily basis. I don't have to worry about how I will pay my rent. And that is thanks to you.
Alisha, my sweet little darling, let me say first that those are the best pictures.Keep taking them and saving them because who knows, maybe one day you may have an opportunity to write that book. Also, those broken crooked seams and broken tiles might just be God's way to remind you that every day as you look at them, it is a reminder that there are people that are crooked( body parts that are not healthy,and straight, and those tiles that are broken are the people who have brokenness in theri lives. There is a song that talks about the broken pieces in our lives that only God can help to mind them. I believe this is a reminder not only for you but for us. We take everything that we have whether our health,home, finances, or the whatevers for granted. We need to be reminded everyday what we have is from God. It is the little things like the crooked curtains and broken tiles that cause us to see that all have troubles in their lives. I thank God for you to be the one to remind us of this. You think maybe all this that is happening with you is for you, but God knows that we need to be straightened out also and He is using you for straightening us out. Thank you! I used you this morning in Sunday School with the Senior Saints Class( I lead in Mrs. Camps ladies class) as an Instrument being used by God. You put yourself aside and let God lead you in whatever He saw fit for your life. We have to "DIE TO SELF" get out of God's way and let Him work and that is just what you did. Look at where you are, being used of God.You are an inspiration to me. Thank you again for all that you do for "OUR LORD".Love and prayers.Aunt Myrt PS: until next blog.