Friday, April 20, 2012

A new adventure...

First things first. How is it already Friday? Have I seriously not posted since Tuesday? Yikes. So sorry!

Man, it has been a good week. Things are coming together in a way that can only point towards God. My provider and sustainer. I am writing this blog from my apartment! It is wonderful to have my own space in a place where I am comfortable and secure. The couple that renovated a part of their house for my apartment are incredible and are taking care of me and making sure I have everything I could ever need here. I have a spare bed, you can start signing up now!

On to more good news...I started a three month internship with an organization here in town! I will be working with The Way Home (a ministry under Every Child Ministries) for the next three months with the possibility of a longer term commitment. It is an incredible ministry that is involved in the community development in a village about an hour from Jinja. In 2011, The Way Home built homes for twenty grannies who were raising their grandchildren. In 2012, they have made the same commitment to build 20 more homes for 20 more grannies. The ministry doesn't stop once the keys to the house have been handed to the granny. The grannies have weekly meetings were they are encouraged and taught. The grandchildren also have weekly meetings were they are taught the Bible and that Christ loves them and died for each and every one of them. The grannies are also taught Farming God's Way, which is a popular sustainability ministry here in Africa which is making strides in the techniques that people use to farm here. It didn't take long to realize that not all of the grannies can farm, so we are looking at starting a small animals ministry. That means goats. Lots and lots of goats. We have a veterinarian coming from the states this week to help us figure out what this will looks like. If you know me at all, you know that I am not particularly fond of animals. Any animals. Period. So I laughed when they looked at me during our first meeting and said "What do you think about helping start a goat ministry?" My reply was "Well. I don't know anything about goats. And I don't even like animals. But okay! Why not?!" So I am going to my first goat meeting Monday morning! I am also going to be taking over the "Choose To Wait" program. It is a curriculum used for teaching purity. It focuses not only on why purity matters so much, but also how God offers restoration and renewal through His forgiveness. I will be figuring out how to implement it in the village and training people in how to teach it.

So as you can probably tell, I am more than a little excited about this opportunity. I am continuing to homeschool my sweet students while I start this new adventure. The pictures I posted this past week were taken in Luuka where The Way Home is based. I am most excited about getting into a village and getting my hands dirty and building relationships with the beautiful people there.

1 comment:

  1. It sounds like God has lots of work for you to be involved in...What an awesome God we serve. I look forwrd to reading youir blog on these new and exciting ventures. May His Namae Be Praise.
    Congrats also on the new apartment... He is taking care of you . Isn't it awesome to see the mighty Hand of God moving?
    Have a wonderful and Blessed day.
