She can't help that she's so cool!

My lovely lunch dates.
My least favorite part of teaching is discipline. Period. Hate it. In Hattiesburg and New Orleans I always tried to use more positive reinforcement rather than consequences. Hornets basketball games, cupcakes, meals away from school, and any other way I could think of to get my students to "make wise choices!" So why change that now? Today, my four homeschool students earned a lunch in town! We successfully made it through two weeks of school. So after a short day of school, the girls put on their carefully chosen dresses and strategically matching sandals and we hit the road. After much laughter and filling our bellies with too many chips (french fries) and skewers of meat and veggies we headed to the library for reading and dessert. While we were waiting for our bodas, one of the girls had an epiphany. She declared "We've had two sodas today! We never have two sodas in one day!" My replay was "Oh man, you're mom is going to love me for giving you a double dose of caffeine and then sending you home!"
Several times during our lunch outing, I realized how much the Lord has blessed me in the short time that I have been here. I haven't even been here two months yet and I am already going on reward outings with four sweet little girls. And while homeschooling is not the permanent ministry for me, I am learning to enjoy where God leads me. Which has been a difficult thing for me to do in the past. I am always so concerned about what is coming. Where will I be? What will I be doing? Will I even like it? I can say that I am finding contentment in the present. And for that, I am so thankful.
Well Alisha, the saying is that a way to a man's heart is through his stomach,so I guess it will work for the young ladies, since you don't have a man yet(HA! HA!) Tell the young ladies that they are rewarded for the performance (good). Keep up the good work. Love and prayers.Aunt Myrt.