I said I wouldn’t blog about this…but I am. Not in the way that many others are though, I don’t understand enough to fill a blog with words about it. KONY 2012. If this doesn’t ring a bell. You aren’t on Face book (hint, hint mom and dad!). Simple as that. KONY 2012 is an effort being made by the Invisible Children organization to bring about knowledge of the injustice that Kony has brought to East Africa. He is a dreadful man that has lead in the killing, raping, and taking advantage of many people, mostly children. Invisible Children has done a wonderful job of using social networks to inform and encourage young people to demand social justice.
But I just wonder, how many of us jump on these “band wagons” because we feel like we are accomplishing something by being involved. We talk about it at church. On facebook. In our work place. We even sometimes go as far as judging others for not seeming to care. I know I have. But at the end of the day, is it enough? No, it isn’t. While knowledge is power, it surely doesn’t equal action.
I use a biodegradable toothbrush. Made of old yogurt cups. Bought for way too much at an organic grocery store. I would even make special trips to the grocery store to stock up on them when I would visit New Orleans last fall. Of course, I packed one in my suit case to come to Uganda with me. In my mind, it’s my offer of an apology to the earth for not being a better recycler. I mean come on, even the paper inside of the package is recycled paper. I laugh when I think about the silliness of it, but if I were in the states when it came time to buy a new toothbrush, you better bet it would be biodegradable. Why? Because it makes me feel good. Does it make a hill of beans difference to the earth? Probably not. Because, it’s my only attempt to preserve our earth. I don’t make a real effort to cherish the earth I live on.
So I wonder. How often do we do the same thing with other causes in our lives? Causes that really mean something. Causes like children who need a way out, adults who need healing from their past mistakes, our neighbors who need a little extra this month, or our family who we don’t think deserve just one more chance. How often are we called to care about an effort and we placate that call by learning the facts so we can think about what can be done, and then never look back? I think we are all guilty of that. I’m convinced that we need to take action, and really put an effort into change. I’m not talking about packing up and moving to a third world country. I’m talking about genuinely caring enough to invest time in interceding for these causes through prayer. Maybe even coming off a few dollars we really don’t want to give. Heaven forbid, we have awkward conversations about these causes to really figure out a way to make a difference. Because it comes down to this, if we don’t do something, who will?
Alisha, we were just talking about Kony this morning. I really didn't know what it is all about and now you have put some light on this. This is so sad. Praying that He will stop doing what he is doing to these people. Thanks for sharing this with us. Not only Kony but on recycling. We all need to start helping out with this process. Hope your day and class is going well. Oh, by the way, how are you feeling? I hope that you are feeling much much better.Just alittle of info. for you. The Greer's Food Tiger had it's grand opening today. They had the ribbon cutting this afternoon about 3:30. There were so many people there signing up for free things. Some of the politicans were on hand. The band played and the Azalea Trail Maids (some of the girls) were also there. The store really looks good. A new face lift. All is going well here in good old Grand Bay. Remember, When God gives us an impossible task--it becomes possible. I know that you have seen and done this task. God Bless you in all of your endeavors. Love and Prayers. Aunt Myrt PS: Keep on keeping on in His service.
ReplyDeleteI feel much better, it's almost out of my system. Still drinking LOTS of water! I am so happy that the new Greer's is open, sounds exciting! Haha! Nothing like a new grocery store for Grand Bay!
DeleteWhen I saw the KONY 2012 video, I instantly thought about you, wondered if you had seen it, wondered what you thought about it. I stumbled upon your blog today, my first time since you have been gone and honestly, your blogs about all the things God is showing you is way more amazing than watching the Kony video. What an awesome journey you are on! I have thought about you much, sometimes with a twinge of jealousy, that you are on the "front lines" of the mission field. But reading your blog has made me realize that I am not working (hard enough) in the mission field I am in right now. Thank you for doing what you do, for being you, and following the Lord! You are not just touching the lives of those in Africa; you are touching lives here at home, too!
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for the encouragement Jennifer! One thing is for sure, I am learning so much through this and I am glad that the Lord is using this blog to teach you too. I am so thankful that He never gives up on us. You keep holding down the fort at home! I am ready for you to come!!