Thursday, March 15, 2012

Rhythm of life...

I've been gone for six weeks. It's seems like a year some days and then a day some days! I have been praying all along that the Lord would lead to a new rhythm of life. I want to live here. Be here. Find joy here. This is my home for now. I don't know how long it will be my home, but for now, I am making it my home so that I can have a rhythm, a new normal. I felt so at home Tuesday when I went grocery shopping. I needed to buy some groceries at the store and go to the market. Not really wanting to do both of these tasks, I sent my boda man/friend, Timothy to the market to get my kilo of eggplant and I went to the grocery store. In the grocery store, I laughed to myself when I thought, "I'm getting the hang of this!" Even though, it sounds so silly and so small, I was proud! As I keep walking through this month, I am trying to figure out what next month looks like. I am at a place where I am confident that next month will fall into place just like this month did. When I look back at myself one month ago, I realize that I should have calmed down and taken a breath. The Lord was going to provide. But then again, maybe that's why I needed to be so unsure then. I sure did learn a lot. I learned that God rarely does things my way on my schedule. But I can rest assured, that His way and schedule is infinitely better than mine! So right now, at the two week point in March, I am taking a breath and loving what the Lord has brought me to this month. As I laid in the grass this afternoon and taught phonics to one of my new students, I thought to myself, "I love this. I could do this for a while." I am loving the deeper friendships, purpose to be here, and a comfortable place to live for the month.

"Wherever you are, be all there. Live to the hilt every situation you believe to be the will of God." -Jim Elliot

1 comment:

  1. Alisha, the saying is: HOME IS WHERE THE HEART IS. So. you are at home, just not in Grand Bay. I know that your students are loving you as musch as you are loving them. Keep up the good work. God is preparing you for bigger things and they will come in His time. To God Be The Glory! How precious it is, Lord, to realize that You are thinking about me constantly! Psalm 139:17. He is thinking of You, Alisha and that is so precious to me and to know that he is taking care of you also and "ALL" of your needs. May God continue to give you strength, and good health. Speaking of your health, it was good to hear that you are feeling much better.May you have a good day in your work tomorrow. Love and prayers. Aunt Myrt.
