Wednesday, March 14, 2012

I have great news for you…the little guy that I told you about last week, Isaac, has been placed at Ekisa to live and recuperate! What seemed to be a very dire situation last week, with Isaac being sent home to live in the same situation that got him so close to death, has turned out to be a very ideal situation. He still has some healing and growing to do, so please be in prayer for little Isaac and the sweet hands at Ekisa that will be caring for him.

I am blaming the shortness of this blog on the lack of electricity tonight. It has nothing to do with the fact that I am spending the night with another young missionary while her husband is out of town! She spent the evening encouraging and teaching me about what it looks like to live here.

I hope to have pictures of Isaac in his new home to show you tomorrow! Keep praying, you are making a bigger difference than you will ever know!

Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world. -James 1:27 (ESV)


  1. Well Alisha, I didn't forget to comment on the last several of your bloggs, but I worked until 1:00am Tuesday morning on counting the votes for the Election we had. I am just reading your blogg. It is so nice to hear that Isaac is doing better and has a place to stay where he will be well taking care for the rest of his recovery time. We are certainly praying daily and constantly for him and your. Looks like you are doing G R E A T!!!!!!!!! The pictures of the box of goodies that your Mom and Dad sent you says it all. Hope you are enjoying them. You received some more money yesterday and I know that when your Mom skypes you,she will tell who sent it. Love you and just keep smiling and serving. Love Aunt Myrt.

  2. Alisha,

    I am so glad to hear that all is well with you and with Isaac (what a strong name that he has). Your blog made me think of "Love in Action". The book of James is full of verses telling us to put our faith into action. The action of you serving, the caregivers at Ekisa, those sending goodies, those sending monetary gifts, the action of those who are praying; God's love and His message are being spread from Grand Bay all the way to Jinja, Uganda (Africa). "What a mighty God we serve". Sending prayers and thoughts your way. Hope you enjoy your evening with your missionary friend! Take care and keep up the good fight :-).
