Monday, April 23, 2012

throwing the rules out...

"Without a relationship with Christ, the rules don't mean anything."

I don't know about you, but I am a rule follower. I live my life by the rules. I make up the rules if there are none in place. I think I need them to thrive in life. But I have to be careful to not put the rules before Jesus. Real careful. I forget so many times that rules do not equal Jesus. They definitely don't replace Him. I think I love rules becausae I can look at the rules and see if I am doing a good job following them. But with Jesus it's so much more. There are no rules. There is conviction from the Holy Spirit. Eek! I don't like it when that happens. Ever. But when I think about it, I guess it's better than the rules. It's a reminder when I've gone too far or stepped out of line. It's a reminder that Jesus loves me so much that He wants me to know when I'm out of line. He doesn't keep me guessing. I have to constantly remind myself that I can't push the rules onto other people. That's not my job. It's the Holy Spirit's job. And He hasn't called and asked me for help. Not yet anyways! Haha!

This was what our preacher talked about yesterday from Mathtew 23:13-36. Our rules don't mean anything. Having a relationship with Christ means something, well more like everything.  I hate when leaders preach or teach about stuff like this because I can always relate to it...a little too much. Like I said a few lines up, I find comfort in the rules. So I just want others to find comfort in my rules too. Because surely they would. If they could only follow them. Rules first. Jesus second. That's a dangerous place to be. 1. If you know Jesus, you don't need MY rules. 2. If you don't know Jesus, you don't need MY rules. You need Him.

So as defeating as this is. I am dealing with this. My perfectionist tendencies (I think tendencies might be an understatement but just go with it okay!) fights this from every angle. And it fights hard. But it's worth the fight. And I have a feeling it's a fight that's going to take place more than once.


  1. Alisha, My little one is growing, growing, and growing in the Lord's work and that is awesome to see. There are very many that continue to do the Lord's work when it gets tought, but the old saying is when the work gets tough, the tough get going. This is you, Alisha. Just keep on keeping on with God's rules. There is one thing that you can keep in mind and that is that His rules are always the right ones. He loves you and He wont lead you astray. We, so many times are the ones who goes astray, not God. Just continue serving our awesome God. Tell me about your health. Are you well? I sure hope so! Love and prayers. Aunt Myrt.

  2. I needed this today :) sometimes
    It's easy for me to thi k I'm doing do well because I'm comparing myself to the world...but the world isn't who I shoul look at, god is! So proud of you!

  3. And I know this is an older post, but it's what pulled up when I opened the app up I have on my iPod for your blog :)
