Friday, October 12, 2012
recent developments...
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Check it out...
Monday, April 23, 2012
throwing the rules out...
I don't know about you, but I am a rule follower. I live my life by the rules. I make up the rules if there are none in place. I think I need them to thrive in life. But I have to be careful to not put the rules before Jesus. Real careful. I forget so many times that rules do not equal Jesus. They definitely don't replace Him. I think I love rules becausae I can look at the rules and see if I am doing a good job following them. But with Jesus it's so much more. There are no rules. There is conviction from the Holy Spirit. Eek! I don't like it when that happens. Ever. But when I think about it, I guess it's better than the rules. It's a reminder when I've gone too far or stepped out of line. It's a reminder that Jesus loves me so much that He wants me to know when I'm out of line. He doesn't keep me guessing. I have to constantly remind myself that I can't push the rules onto other people. That's not my job. It's the Holy Spirit's job. And He hasn't called and asked me for help. Not yet anyways! Haha!
This was what our preacher talked about yesterday from Mathtew 23:13-36. Our rules don't mean anything. Having a relationship with Christ means something, well more like everything. I hate when leaders preach or teach about stuff like this because I can always relate to it...a little too much. Like I said a few lines up, I find comfort in the rules. So I just want others to find comfort in my rules too. Because surely they would. If they could only follow them. Rules first. Jesus second. That's a dangerous place to be. 1. If you know Jesus, you don't need MY rules. 2. If you don't know Jesus, you don't need MY rules. You need Him.
So as defeating as this is. I am dealing with this. My perfectionist tendencies (I think tendencies might be an understatement but just go with it okay!) fights this from every angle. And it fights hard. But it's worth the fight. And I have a feeling it's a fight that's going to take place more than once.
Friday, April 20, 2012
A new adventure...
Man, it has been a good week. Things are coming together in a way that can only point towards God. My provider and sustainer. I am writing this blog from my apartment! It is wonderful to have my own space in a place where I am comfortable and secure. The couple that renovated a part of their house for my apartment are incredible and are taking care of me and making sure I have everything I could ever need here. I have a spare bed, you can start signing up now!
On to more good news...I started a three month internship with an organization here in town! I will be working with The Way Home (a ministry under Every Child Ministries) for the next three months with the possibility of a longer term commitment. It is an incredible ministry that is involved in the community development in a village about an hour from Jinja. In 2011, The Way Home built homes for twenty grannies who were raising their grandchildren. In 2012, they have made the same commitment to build 20 more homes for 20 more grannies. The ministry doesn't stop once the keys to the house have been handed to the granny. The grannies have weekly meetings were they are encouraged and taught. The grandchildren also have weekly meetings were they are taught the Bible and that Christ loves them and died for each and every one of them. The grannies are also taught Farming God's Way, which is a popular sustainability ministry here in Africa which is making strides in the techniques that people use to farm here. It didn't take long to realize that not all of the grannies can farm, so we are looking at starting a small animals ministry. That means goats. Lots and lots of goats. We have a veterinarian coming from the states this week to help us figure out what this will looks like. If you know me at all, you know that I am not particularly fond of animals. Any animals. Period. So I laughed when they looked at me during our first meeting and said "What do you think about helping start a goat ministry?" My reply was "Well. I don't know anything about goats. And I don't even like animals. But okay! Why not?!" So I am going to my first goat meeting Monday morning! I am also going to be taking over the "Choose To Wait" program. It is a curriculum used for teaching purity. It focuses not only on why purity matters so much, but also how God offers restoration and renewal through His forgiveness. I will be figuring out how to implement it in the village and training people in how to teach it.
So as you can probably tell, I am more than a little excited about this opportunity. I am continuing to homeschool my sweet students while I start this new adventure. The pictures I posted this past week were taken in Luuka where The Way Home is based. I am most excited about getting into a village and getting my hands dirty and building relationships with the beautiful people there.
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
"Then they cried out to the Lord in their trouble, and He delivered them from their distress." -Psalm 107:6
Monday, April 16, 2012
Serving a wild God...
Something that I am learning in the short time that I have been here is that we serve a wild God. He is not confined to our church buildings and the traditions that we place on Him. He moves and does in ways that we will never understand. He is so much more than we make of Him. He does so much more than we give Him credit for. I don't know about you, but I am thankful that I serve a God who is always leaps and bounds ahead of me. I will never put my finger on it. I will only ever touch the tip of the iceberg in my time here on earth. That makes me want to worship Him more than anything else. Why wouldn't I trust Him? Why wouldn't I go where He tells me to go? Why wouldn't I make what I think are huge sacrifices in order to be obedient to His leading? I will choose to honor a wild God who blows my mind on a regular basis. I will choose to obey and follow a wild God who leads me to places I'm not so sure I want to be. I will choose to worship a wild God who loves me in ways I can never wrap my head around
"Can you find out the deep things of God? Can you find out the limit of the Almighty? It is higher than heaven-what can you do? Deeper than the Sheol-what can you know? Its measure is longer than the earth and broader than the sea." -Job 11:7-9
Saturday, April 14, 2012
Crooked seams and broken tiles...
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
back where I love...
Today was the day I’ve been waiting for. I got back in the village. I love it. Everything about it. Especially the sweet people. Wait until you see their gorgeous faces. I got to go into the town of Luuka, it’s takes a little over an hour to get there from Jinja. It’s a different world out there. The land is breath taking. There are small ponds and pine forests everywhere. I got to visit Luuka with the missionaries from Every Child Ministries. They are in the process of building homes for grannies who are raising their grandchildren. They started the program in 2011 with 20 grannies and have added 20 more this year. By the end of this year all 40 grannies will have a 2-3 bedroom house with a bathroom in a separate building. The bathroom is the most exciting part. It’s relatively unheard of for families to have a bathroom in the villages. Now these grannies won’t have a bathroom comparable to the one in your house, they will have a pit latrine (a squatty potty) and a shower in the building. Today we went to visit four grannies so they could sign a contract for their new home to be built. The contract includes things such as: when they die their grandchildren will get the house, they are in no way indebted to Every Child Ministries, and they will live in the house that is being built for them. It was so sweet to see how each granny handled signing the contract. One was quiet in her humbleness and another danced and sang for us and the crowds that had gathered. I wish that all of you could come to Uganda and visit the people in Luuka and the other villages surrounding Jinja. They are people worth meeting. You will leave them changed.
Please be in prayer with me. I have a neat opportunity on the table but I want to make sure that I am obedient in my response. I am so thankful for your support.
Monday, April 9, 2012
Lots to learn...
I got to go to my first Ugandan wedding Saturday. I went to one in Kenya two summers ago, but I wasn’t sure how alike they would be. The wedding I went to Saturday only lasted about an hour and a half, the wedding I went to in Kenya lasted closer to three hours! It was Damali (director of Sonrise) and her new husband Felix’s wedding. They had a traditional village ceremony the weekend before, but this was the Christian church service. Now the fun part, I rode to Kampala (the capital city) on the bus with all of the kids and aunties from Sonrise…did I mention that it was a 24 passenger bus? Did I also mention that there were about 25 adults and almost 40 kids on this bus? Good thing the air conditioning was working. Yeah right…air conditioning in a car! I have decided it’s a requirement for all vehicles across the country of Uganda to have broken air conditioners.
Stop. Step. Stop. Then another song. Then the bride’s maids enter in the same manner. Then another song. Then Damali and her Uncle Randy came down the aisle. The vows are very short and precise, then the exchanging of the rings. Then comes the sermon. Damali’s uncle gave the sermon to the congregation. After the sermon, an offering is taken for the church. Then the ceremony ended with the signing of the marriage certificate.
Friday, April 6, 2012
It's a good Friday.
Then the moment they all knew in their hearts was bound to happen came. They nailed Him to the cross and raised it for all to see. Their son, best friend, healer, provider, teacher, and leader was there for all to see. Can you imagine being in the crowd. Knowing what was happening was wrong. How could Jesus be dying a criminal's death? How had his life ended that quickly?
For me it's hard to think about those closest to Jesus at the time of His death and not have tears come. I know why the Messiah had to die that horrific death. He has given me His own words to explain it. But they did not have that promise of Sunday. They must have been so confused. Surely that was not the way they expected things to play out. The weight of the unknown must have been unbearable. I don't know about you but I am so thankful that I know that He comes back a couple of days later alive. That human hands couldn't keep Him down. I'm thankful that I can look at this as Good Friday. I know because of this Friday my sins have been forgiven and I can have fellowship with God.
Then Jesus, calling out with a loud voice, said, "Father into your hands I commit My spirit!" And having said this He breathed His last. Now when the centurion saw what had taken place, he praised God, saying, "Certainly, this man was innocent!" And all the crowds that had assembled for this spectacle, when they saw what had taken place, returned home beating their breasts. And all of His acquaintances and the women who had followed Him from Galilee stood at a distance watching these things. -Luke 23:46-49
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
So I am making a commitment to not be a forgetful listener. I want to listen closely and take action. I want to know that what I am doing honors God, because if it isn’t, then I need to pack up and head home. Imagine the way that we could be serving others if we weren’t forgetful listeners. I myself, think that we as believers would have a better reputation as a whole.
I became an official resident of Jinja today, at least that's what I'm telling myself! I got a box at the post office! So bring on the mail! Haha! Cards take a little over two weeks and are cheap to send. Packages on the other hand are more expensive and take about a month to get here. Now there are those items that get lost along the way and make it three months after leaving the states.
PO Box 690
Jinja, Uganda, East Africa
Friday, March 30, 2012
easy going...
Today was my last day of teaching at the Uganda Baptist Seminary. My students took their final exam this morning and are heading back to their villages and cities tonight and tomorrow. I am already seeing how the Lord is opening doors for me to start working in other capacities. I know some of you are ready for the pictures of cute kids to come back! I don’t blame you!
I pray that as the Easter season is approaching that we are all taking time to reflect on the sacrifice that our Savior made for us. I love this time of year, because the reminder of His love is everywhere.
“For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through Him.” –John 3:16-17 (ESV)
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
the beauty of meltdowns...
Sunday, March 25, 2012
As I sit here writing this, I am eating Twizzlers, drinking sweet tea (made out of a Luzianne tea bag!), and watching the Apple Dumpling Gang. This can only mean one thing. I am loved. My Momma and Daddy put together a suit case full of wonderful things from them and so many other amazing people. I had several goodies from my favorites in New Orleans, cd from Audra, stuffed animals and Mardi Gras beads from my sweet little friends Tripp and Cash, candy from the Conway’s, and a t-shirt from Marsha to name a few. Thank you to all of you who wrote encouraging notes in the big stack of cards I got. I was thrilled to see how big the stack was! I’ve got cards all the way from California to Virginia! I had to force myself to add the cards to my dwindling stack that I brought with me in February. I open a card every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. I wanted so badly to rip through every card tonight though!
This is my last week teaching English at the seminary. That also means my time in the comfortable apartment that I am staying in is also coming to an end. Please be in prayer with me that I would continue to confidently and calmly trust in the Lord to provide my next step. I know He will, it’s myself I don’t trust. I so easily get upset and panic when things aren’t working out as quickly as I would like them to. I can say, this month has been better than last month. Maybe that’s the way it’s supposed to be. Baby steps every month. Growing into the person He knows I can be. And I think I’m okay with that.
In a card from my Momma, she included this much needed scripture…
“But if God so clothes the grass of the field, which today is alive and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, will He not much more clothe you, O you of little faith?” –Matthew 6:30 (ESV)
Friday, March 23, 2012
fun fridays...
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
This Easter season means more to me than any other has in the past. I think it's because Jesus means more to me than He ever has in the past. He is my provider. He is my comforter. He is my joy. I see His redemption in my everyday life here. As I work with adults who did not finish high school for whatever reason and are being given a second chance at a precious thing called education. As I teach phonics to an 8 year who was severely neglected in her first home but is thriving in the love and stability of her second “forever” home. As I hold a struggling three year old who was dying from malnutrition and stiff from cerebral palsy but now is recovering and will begin physical therapy soon. I see the redemptive power in the love of Christ. His love transforms. His love is constantly molding us into something beautiful. This is something I am thankful for. Living in a third world country isn’t easy by any means, but it makes it easier to live here when the love of Christ is so evident everywhere. Are the people perfect here? Not close. Does everyone live a life of integrity? Not even close. Is there work to be done and lives to be changed? Overwhelmingly yes. But, the redemptive love of Christ is evident and moving. So in this Easter season, I have to hold stronger than ever to my belief that the love of Christ is not only big enough, but strong enough to reach the people I am falling in love with.
I hope that you too can find peace in the redemptive love of Christ in this Easter season. I am praying for you.
Monday, March 19, 2012
He shows His love for us...
For while we were still weak, at the right time Christ dies for the ungodly. For one will scarcely die for a righteous person-though perhaps for a good person one would dare even to die-but God shows His love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. -Romans 5:6-8 (ESV)
Saturday, March 17, 2012
A love that transcends all
I got to go spend time with my buddy Isaac today. This is the first time I have seen him since he was at the clinic hooked up to an IV and crying constantly. I am thrilled to tell you that he is different toddler than he was then! He is now so much more content! He is still not overflowing with joy and freely giving away smiles (He smiled for the first time this morning!), but he looks comfortable and his eyes are constantly searching. I got to feed him his special formula that is loaded with sugar and protein and then sit and watch a movie with him. He loved the movie! He was quite upset when I took him back to where the other kids where when I left. I think someone is getting used to the one on one time he is getting from all the loving hands at Ekisa!
There is something about hanging out with my friends at Ekisa. I am reminded of God’s love for me every time. Even though I am broken from my sin, my God still loves me and takes the time to constantly be molding me into something beautiful. It’s just like the beautiful faces at Ekisa, to the world they seem broken and somewhere along the way, someone decided that their love as a parent wasn’t enough and left these precious creatures behind. But our God and our Creator has a love for us that knows no end. It sees past our brokenness. It is big enough to complete us.
I was also reminded of what our love for each other should look like. The kids at Ekisa have such a pure love. Not one riddled with expectations and motives. They love simply because they love. I am challenged to grow the way I love. To be able to not hold back or have requirements. Who knew that through my visits with my young friends I would learn so much!
"For the whole law is fulfilled in one word: You shall love your neighbor as yourself." -Galatians 5:14 (ESV)
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Rhythm of life...
"Wherever you are, be all there. Live to the hilt every situation you believe to be the will of God." -Jim Elliot
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
I am blaming the shortness of this blog on the lack of electricity tonight. It has nothing to do with the fact that I am spending the night with another young missionary while her husband is out of town! She spent the evening encouraging and teaching me about what it looks like to live here.
Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world. -James 1:27 (ESV)
Monday, March 12, 2012
Finding compassion for a betrayer...
No man shall be able to stand before you all the days of your life. Just as I was with Moses, so I will be with you. I will never leave you or forsake you. -Joshua 1:5 (ESV)
Friday, March 9, 2012
reaching out with a prayer...
knowledge vs. action
I said I wouldn’t blog about this…but I am. Not in the way that many others are though, I don’t understand enough to fill a blog with words about it. KONY 2012. If this doesn’t ring a bell. You aren’t on Face book (hint, hint mom and dad!). Simple as that. KONY 2012 is an effort being made by the Invisible Children organization to bring about knowledge of the injustice that Kony has brought to East Africa. He is a dreadful man that has lead in the killing, raping, and taking advantage of many people, mostly children. Invisible Children has done a wonderful job of using social networks to inform and encourage young people to demand social justice.
But I just wonder, how many of us jump on these “band wagons” because we feel like we are accomplishing something by being involved. We talk about it at church. On facebook. In our work place. We even sometimes go as far as judging others for not seeming to care. I know I have. But at the end of the day, is it enough? No, it isn’t. While knowledge is power, it surely doesn’t equal action.
I use a biodegradable toothbrush. Made of old yogurt cups. Bought for way too much at an organic grocery store. I would even make special trips to the grocery store to stock up on them when I would visit New Orleans last fall. Of course, I packed one in my suit case to come to Uganda with me. In my mind, it’s my offer of an apology to the earth for not being a better recycler. I mean come on, even the paper inside of the package is recycled paper. I laugh when I think about the silliness of it, but if I were in the states when it came time to buy a new toothbrush, you better bet it would be biodegradable. Why? Because it makes me feel good. Does it make a hill of beans difference to the earth? Probably not. Because, it’s my only attempt to preserve our earth. I don’t make a real effort to cherish the earth I live on.
So I wonder. How often do we do the same thing with other causes in our lives? Causes that really mean something. Causes like children who need a way out, adults who need healing from their past mistakes, our neighbors who need a little extra this month, or our family who we don’t think deserve just one more chance. How often are we called to care about an effort and we placate that call by learning the facts so we can think about what can be done, and then never look back? I think we are all guilty of that. I’m convinced that we need to take action, and really put an effort into change. I’m not talking about packing up and moving to a third world country. I’m talking about genuinely caring enough to invest time in interceding for these causes through prayer. Maybe even coming off a few dollars we really don’t want to give. Heaven forbid, we have awkward conversations about these causes to really figure out a way to make a difference. Because it comes down to this, if we don’t do something, who will?
Thursday, March 8, 2012
Safety Sally strikes again...
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
"Out of God's outstanding grace, a very imperfect person can still receive a delightfully perfect gift precisely because it's perfect for her. God's gifts are given with goals. They're perfect because they are perfecting. They don't just give today. They give toward every tomorrow."
Tomorrow, I teach my first English class! I am both excited and nervous. I know that the preachers and church workers will go back to their country (They come from all over East Africa.) and be able to do even more ministry. I am also experiencing my first, of many I’m sure, go-rounds with giardia. Let me tell you…it is no fun! Any time I walk very far, nausea is there waiting for me. Thank goodness I am spending lots of time with a sweet IMB nurse who asked lots of questions about symptoms and gave me a strong dose of antibiotics. All your prayers for quick recovery would be coveted! For all you mommas out there…yes, I am drinking plenty of CLEAN water! :)
Monday, March 5, 2012
adventures in the month of march...
Saturday, March 3, 2012
our hearts...
I am amazed at the capacities that our hearts have been given to love. Our hearts were created for love. To love our Creator. And each other. Sometimes it’s hard to have a genuine love for people. Especially when we’ve been hurt or taken advantage of. But then sometimes, our hearts overflow with a love that is so real and so big. Today was a day where I found it easy to love. Easy to love a little boy named Isaac.
I met him today at one of the local hospitals. I was going to meet a friend not knowing what my heart was about to feel. Isaac’s mom dropped him off at pre-school days ago and never returned. Then a man showed up. The man said Isaac was dropped off at his house randomly…no wait, the man is his uncle…never mind, the man is his father. These are the stories that were told all day yesterday. Whether they were told out of fear of prison time (for abandoning his son with his ex-wife) or out of selfish motives, I don’t know. The man said Isaac was five yesterday, but then the man said Isaac was three today. The man kept disappearing from the hospital all night last night and all day today. Whether he needed a breather from all the regret he was feeling or looking for a way out, I don’t know.
When I saw Isaac, his little body was swimming in his size 4 diaper because of malnourishment. His little lungs were laboring to breathe and his ribs felt like they might wither away because of a very serious case of pneumonia. His arms and legs were stiff because of the cerebral palsy that probably came from untreated malaria. And I wonder how it is so, that neither of his parents can stay and comfort him. How can they not sit on his bed and hold back the tears? How did they allow for his little body to get to such a frail and downright scary condition? Because as I sit on his bed and rub what should be a chubby cheek and lean down to his ear to whisper one of my favorite songs that we sing at Friendship, “Jesus we crown You with praise…” I feel my heart overwhelmed with a love for a little fellow I’d just laid eyes on an hour earlier. A love from a heart that was created to feel that way by my so thoughtful Creator. As I think through this blog and think about that sweet baby, I have to give praises of gratitude to God. I am so thankful that our hearts can love big. I also have to pray that Isaac’s parents will soon realize that they too have hearts with the capability to love big. Love big enough to take care of their precious son. Love big enough to raise Isaac to be a healthy child and then onto a healthy man.
Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit the orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world. -James 1:27
Oh're probably going to want to know this exciting piece of news! On Monday, I will be moving into an apartment on the campus of the Uganda Baptist Seminary for the month of March! Where there is a strong possibility that I will be teaching English to students who are in a month long seminary prep program. I am so thankful that the Lord is letting me spend at least a month among people who are like-minded with me and have so much to teach me about this country. I can't wait to fill you in on this week as it progresses!
Friday, March 2, 2012
a whole month...
Well, as I prepare to go to bed tonight, it is in a new bed. I am no longer at Sonrise, as the month of February is over with. It is crazy to see how quickly a month went by! When I look back, it seems like forever away, but then at times is seems like just yesterday I got on that first plane in Mobile. I can already see the ways that my heart has changed and the way my relationship with Christ has changed. I will never be the same. I now know what it is like to not know what tomorrow holds and being forced to rely of my sovereign God to provide for me. Although, it was not a fun lesson (and unfortunately it's not over!) I am better for it. Now back to my new bed...I am staying with Ms. Jude and her adopted daughter Barbara for the time being. Ms. Jude, who is Australian, owns a restaurant in town and goes to the same church I have been attending. She has been in Uganda for about 25 years, I won’t even attempt to make a stab at her age, I think it would only get me in trouble! She has a reputation of letting volunteer vagabonds with no place to go stay at her house! With all of my house hunting this week, she kept telling me, “If you can’t find a place to live, you are welcome at my house. Although, I’m not a good host, I don’t cook at home!” She reminds me of my grandma Betty. She is sassy and has a knack for telling the truth, whether or not you want to hear it is your problem! So for now, I get to learn from her, sleep in a full bed, and take hot showers. I’d say the Lord is providing for me!
I am looking forward to sharing with you what I will be doing ministry wise this month! There are some opportunities that are still up in the air at this point. I will know at the beginning of next week if they are going to work out. Know that I am excited about them, and I know there is so much for me to learn from them! I am thankful for your continued support, both financially and prayerfully. Because of you, I am here. I will always be thankful for that!
The heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps. -Proverbs 16:9
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
I don’t say all that to make you feel guilty, please don’t think that. It’s just something I’ve been processing through. I am reading a book called Not A Fan. by Kyle Idleman. My Bible study group at Friendship Baptist Church is reading it, so I thought it would be neat to read it with them. It is rocking my world, thank you Bro. Teddie for choosing this book! In the second chapter, Idleman talks about the story of Nicodemus. Nicodemus comes to Jesus at night because he is too afraid/embarrassed to come to Him during the day when he might be seen by one of his religious co-workers. Nicodemus could have lost his job and his reputation would have been destroyed had his co-workers at the Sanhedrin found out about him going to see Jesus. Idleman says “Being a secret admirer of Jesus cost him nothing, but becoming a follower came with a high price tag. It always does.” See, I am convinced that although we haven’t all been called to live in a foreign country, we have all been called to live a life so in love with Christ that sacrifice is inevitable. It doesn’t look the same for you as it does for me. The movies we watch, the music we listen to, the words that we read and say, our actions to other people, and the way we carry ourselves all ought to matter and bear the resemblance of sacrifice. Because I know one thing for sure, I am not a super-human Christian force. If Jesus only asked some of us to make sacrifices, I’m pretty sure He would have skipped right over me and moved on to the next person! I whine way too much and I am way too stubborn! So I challenge you, to look at your life and see if you are making sacrifices. I know I will be. I have so many areas of my life that I simply don’t want to discuss with Jesus, because I know He is going to ask me to get rid of them. So together, let’s make a commitment to sacrifice where sacrifice needs to made. I am praying for you.