Saturday, March 3, 2012

our hearts...

A gorgeous view of the Nile River after a rainy day.
Isaac's little arm with a cannula in it.
Exhausted Isaac being loved on by Auntie Annelise.
IV to help get some nutrition into his malnourished body.
Hospital bed side table. You have to provide your own food. Makes me very thankful for the quality of hospitals where I grew up.

I am amazed at the capacities that our hearts have been given to love. Our hearts were created for love. To love our Creator. And each other. Sometimes it’s hard to have a genuine love for people. Especially when we’ve been hurt or taken advantage of. But then sometimes, our hearts overflow with a love that is so real and so big. Today was a day where I found it easy to love. Easy to love a little boy named Isaac.

I met him today at one of the local hospitals. I was going to meet a friend not knowing what my heart was about to feel. Isaac’s mom dropped him off at pre-school days ago and never returned. Then a man showed up. The man said Isaac was dropped off at his house randomly…no wait, the man is his uncle…never mind, the man is his father. These are the stories that were told all day yesterday. Whether they were told out of fear of prison time (for abandoning his son with his ex-wife) or out of selfish motives, I don’t know. The man said Isaac was five yesterday, but then the man said Isaac was three today. The man kept disappearing from the hospital all night last night and all day today. Whether he needed a breather from all the regret he was feeling or looking for a way out, I don’t know.

When I saw Isaac, his little body was swimming in his size 4 diaper because of malnourishment. His little lungs were laboring to breathe and his ribs felt like they might wither away because of a very serious case of pneumonia. His arms and legs were stiff because of the cerebral palsy that probably came from untreated malaria. And I wonder how it is so, that neither of his parents can stay and comfort him. How can they not sit on his bed and hold back the tears? How did they allow for his little body to get to such a frail and downright scary condition? Because as I sit on his bed and rub what should be a chubby cheek and lean down to his ear to whisper one of my favorite songs that we sing at Friendship, “Jesus we crown You with praise…” I feel my heart overwhelmed with a love for a little fellow I’d just laid eyes on an hour earlier. A love from a heart that was created to feel that way by my so thoughtful Creator. As I think through this blog and think about that sweet baby, I have to give praises of gratitude to God. I am so thankful that our hearts can love big. I also have to pray that Isaac’s parents will soon realize that they too have hearts with the capability to love big. Love big enough to take care of their precious son. Love big enough to raise Isaac to be a healthy child and then onto a healthy man.

Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit the orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world. -James 1:27
Oh're probably going to want to know this exciting piece of news! On Monday, I will be moving into an apartment on the campus of the Uganda Baptist Seminary for the month of March! Where there is a strong possibility that I will be teaching English to students who are in a month long seminary prep program. I am so thankful that the Lord is letting me spend at least a month among people who are like-minded with me and have so much to teach me about this country. I can't wait to fill you in on this week as it progresses!

1 comment:

  1. Alisha, sorry that I havn't blogged you back but I did Brittney Wright wedding this weekend and that keept me pretty busy. Today, is Mon. March 5 at 1:26pm. This is the first time that I had time to get on the computer. Now that I have, as I read your blog from Thursday, I believe, my heart cried out to God. To, help you give all the love that you have to little Isaac because we here at home can't give but we can keep the prayers going. I pray for the Father and Mother to come back and stand with their child, a child that God has so graciously given them and for their own Hearts to find that love that you so freely give. May they see that love and want it for themselves. But, Alisha if they don't come back just keep whispering in his little ear that God loves him and sing the songs that will comfort him, give him hope abd "Sing Jesus Loves Me", for me. I am so happy that God has opened another window for you. Keep on Serving and another window will be opened unto you. "GOD IS GOOD ALL THE TIME" Alisha, I see you maturing not only in your service but also in your understanding of Gods word and how you can so wonderfully express it. Thank you so much for sharing your heart with us as you serve in this country and sending the pictures so we at home can get a little glimpse of what it is like there. Again, thank you! Keep on Serving! Love and prayers, Aunt Myrt.
