Saturday, February 11, 2012

Creative Ministries...

Making sure everybody gets a bag before heading home.
My friend proud of his goody bag!
Even with a playground available, the wheel barrow got plenty of use! Maybe these kids were really from South Mobile County!
Crazy high monkey bars!

I got to participate in a fabulous ministry today. It is a ministry that was started by young people who are passionate about serving the people of Uganda through Ugandan culture. They are very culturally careful and are wonderful about getting down to the root of the problem so that effective solutions can be found. On Saturdays, they go into a village where they have constructed a pavilion and a traditional outdoor kitchen and feed a VERY large group of children. They start off the afternoon by feeding the kids boiled eggs and letting them play on an incredible playground. It is a trademark Kevin Vice playground! It’s the playground he always wanted to build for me and Mark! It has multiple platforms on different levels, monkey bars everywhere, and boardwalks and crawl space all over the place! After getting the wiggles out, the kids come back together for Bible study and worship. It was so sweet seeing them sing their songs and do all their motions and dances. After Bible study and more play, everybody is fed chicken, rice, and beans. The chicken is a special treat. Meat is a delicacy around here, people just can’t afford to eat it on a regular basis. After several hours of fun and full bellies, the kids go home with a bag of rice, beans, posho (all I can compare it to is super thick grits), and a bar of soap. This program takes place with the same kids every Saturday in this village. It was so sweet to see, because you could see that the kids felt at home. They were among family.

My too kind friends at Sonrise are determined to not let me lose a single pound while I am with them! They try feeding me food every chance they get. After a week of trying, I thought they had finally given up…wrong! Damali figured out a real easy way to keep me eating. She has been taking me on a tour of all the mzungu friendly restaurants in town! Tonight, I went with three Sonrise staff members to a restaurant that had chocolate peanut butter shakes! If you guessed that the restaurant is run by American missionaries, you are correct! It was another great way to see that ministries can be very creative, and yummy!

1 comment:

  1. Alisha, I want to Thank You for being used of God so far away and how you share the amazing things such as the blog with the pictures and the comments on each picture and how God is working there. I know that at the end of the day you are really tired and yet you share these things with so many people. Thank you again and Keep On Keeping On for Jesus. Love you.P.S. Watch for the mail something good is coming for you and the children. Love you .Aunt Myrt
