Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Good news...

Update on that sweet baby… Renee (the missionary who met us at the hospital yesterday) and a social worker from Serving His Children, went back to the hospital this morning to speak to the baby’s mother about taking part in their program. At Serving His Children, malnourished children are rehabilitated with a plan made according to the baby’s needs. The catch is that the baby has to have a caretaker stay with them throughout the entirety of the program. The caretaker goes to Bible study every morning and classes in the afternoon on how to prevent their child from getting in that situation again. So needless to say, Ms. June and I rejoiced in the Lord this morning for providing a place for this sweet one to be recuperated and to be given the chance to live a healthy lifestyle!

Please be in prayer that the Lord would continue to open doors and put me in situations to meet people. As you know, my time at Sonrise ends at the end of the month. I am, of course, struggling to control my panic as I watch the days go by and I still have nowhere to live! Now, I won’t be homeless of course, I will be living temporarily somewhere! So don’t lose sleep thinking I have to sleep in the street! But I would love to have a permanent for now place to call home.

1 comment:

  1. Alisha, remember in one of my comments, I said that God is "All Knowing", and He has that plan for you and your living arrangement, Wait, on HIM! He has it all worked out. Maybe before you get this comment, He, will send that one to tell you your living arrangements.
    I am praying for you in that regards and other areas for you. The sun is shinning bright today and I know it is where you are to because of that "GREAT BIG SMILE" you have. Share it with the next person you meet today. Gods Blessings
    Love, Aunt Myrt
